574.294.1499 contact@jsmm888.com


In 1966, two of the pre-eminent attorneys in Elkhart joined forces to engage in an associative practice that permitted each to benefit from the unique abilities and experience of the other.

Philip E. 拜伦,小. was generally regarded as the most accomplished litigation and employment practitioner in Northern Indiana. 罗伯特·C. Daniels enjoyed equal success and renown as a real estate and business lawyer. The two had first met when both were associated with the law firm of Cawley, Happer, Slabaugh & Byron, a collaboration of the finest attorneys in 埃尔克哈特县 during the 1950s and 1960s.
拜伦公司 & Daniels maintained offices in the Monger Building at the corner of Franklin and Second Streets in downtown Elkhart until 1971, when they moved into a suite of offices on the second floor of the Indiana Building at 405 South Second Street. Their new office was known throughout the area for its comprehensive law library, 上面有印第安纳州和联邦法规和记者, 还有无数的论文, 百科全书和实践特定的材料. Their practice burgeoned to the extent that they determined to hire a law school graduate, 1973年, 罗伯特T. Sanders III, a recent graduate of Indiana University Law School, joined the firm. Bob worked closely with both Phil Byron and Bob Daniels in a wide variety of subjects, 1977年被任命为公司合伙人. 不幸的是, 菲尔·拜伦于5月20日突然去世, 1977, but the two remaining partners continued in the practice with the same client and practice base, 其中包括一些保险公司, 都是城里的大银行, and a substantial array of local and regional corporations and firms.


随着实践的不断发展, 合伙人们找了另一位BET9九卅娱乐会员登录, and were fortunate to be in the right place at the right time to hire 迈克尔一个. Pianowski when he returned to Elkhart after graduating from Valparaiso Law School. Mike had worked as a banker for several years in Elkhart and had many friends and business contacts in the area, which enhanced the firm’s client base and contributed strongly to its continuing success

在迈克加入公司后不久, the offices were moved to the fourth floor of the Communicana Building, 在南第二街421号. It soon became evident that the available legal business exceeded the capacity of the attorneys, 詹姆斯·L. 托德, 海军学院和瓦尔帕莱索法学院的毕业生, joined the firm as a lateral hire from his previous position at a major firm in Columbus, 俄亥俄州. 其他同事很快跟进, and the firm quickly realized that it would need more space to accommodate its growing practice.

In 1987, the firm built a new office building at the corner of 4th and High Streets in Elkhart. 随着新大楼的落成,事务所也有了一个新名字:丹尼尔斯桑德斯 & 皮亚诺夫斯基,但BET9九卅娱乐会员登录和业务保持不变. The firm enjoyed a long and steady progression of success throughout the 1980s and 1990s, acquiring special expertise in areas of estate planning and merger and acquisition, 同时继续积极开展诉讼和雇佣业务. 在那段时间里,马修. Yeakey,现任合伙人,以及Jason G. Ward, former partner, were hired after graduation from law school, and David G. 托马斯是作为有经验的横向雇员加入公司的. 1995年,BET9九州登陆官方的好朋友兼导师鲍勃·丹尼尔斯去世了.

Because of increasingly cumbersome names as the firm continued to grow, 公司的名字被缩短为Sanders•Pianowski, 1996年成为LLP. The addition of more attorneys and staff eventually resulted in a bulging at the seams of the High Street building, 在21世纪初, 合伙人们开始为公司寻找新家. 经过详尽的搜索, the firm settled on a picturesque location on the recently developed Elkhart Riverwalk directly across from Island Park. 一个旧仓库被从这块地产中搬走了, elaborate plans for an elegant new two-story brick building were developed, 2002年6月破土动工. 在情人节, 2003, 这一步已经完成了, 尽管砖石工程还没有完全完成, and 11 attorneys and an equal number of staff employees settled into their beautiful new accommodations at the confluence of the Elkhart and St. 约瑟夫的河流. 从那时起, the firm has continued its commitment to excellence in providing a wide variety of legal services to the community and region.



Professional service to our clients is our first and compelling priority.


法律代理是BET9九州登陆官方业务的标志. BET9九州登陆官方有能力, experience and resources to successfully counsel clients in an extensive variety of transactional and situational legal matters. BET9九卅娱乐会员登录 in the firm have negotiated complex transactions with national and even international implications. 而BET9九州登陆官方的核心业务是中小型企业, we also have a long and accomplished history of service to companies with locations throughout North America. 公司规模很小,可以对个人问题作出回应, 但足够大,可以处理任何业务需求.


BET9九卅娱乐会员登录 at the firm are strongly committed to the support of our community and have taken leadership roles in a multitude of local organizations dedicated to the betterment of life. Our attorneys have volunteered to serve on boards and committees for a wide variety of civic and charitable nonprofits, including Children and Parent Services (CAPS) of Elkhart; Oaklawn Foundation; 埃尔克哈特县 Community Foundation; Elkhart Noon Kiwanis; ETHOS (Encouraging Technology and Hands On Science); Downtown Elkhart, 公司.; Junior Achievement of 埃尔克哈特县; Big Brothers Big Sisters of 埃尔克哈特县, 北印第安纳西班牙裔健康联盟, Loveway, 还有其他许多人……


At Sanders • Pianowski, LLP, our emphasis is on finding creative solutions to legal problems. Our reputation lies in our ability to bring parties together to resolve disputes without unnecessary legal intervention. This is achieved through a proactive approach to our clients’ needs by seeking to protect them from potential exposure by thoughtful strategic planning.
